September 5, 2023

Game Addiction and Strategies to Cope with It

By Tyler

In the digital age, video games are more than just entertainment; they have evolved into a cultural phenomenon. For many, gaming is a hobby, a way to connect with friends or even a professional pursuit. However, for some, the line between recreational play and addiction becomes blurred, affecting their well-being, relationships, and responsibilities. 

Understanding the gravity of game addiction and identifying methods to cope with it is crucial for maintaining a balanced life.

What is Game Addiction?

Game addiction is characterised by an excessive or compulsive use of computers or video games, hurting other aspects of life. It can manifest in various forms, such as neglecting responsibilities, strained social relationships, poor academic or work performance, and declining physical health. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) has not officially recognised video game addiction as a disorder but has identified it as a “Condition for Further Study.”


  • Preoccupation with games
  • Withdrawal symptoms when not playing
  • Increasing time spent gaming
  • Failed attempts to quit or reduce playtime
  • Neglecting other activities or responsibilities
  • Lying to conceal the extent of involvement with gaming
  • Using gaming as a way to escape problems or relieve negative emotions

The Impact

  • Game addiction can result in a range of emotional, psychological, and physical problems:
  • Emotional and Psychological: Anxiety, depression, and a lack of real-world social interactions can emerge.
  • Physical: Poor posture, carpal tunnel syndrome, and sleep disorders are expected physical consequences.
  • Social and Academic: Relationships may suffer, and academic or work performance can decline substantially.

Strategies to Cope


The first step in addressing game addiction is recognising the problem. Keep track of the hours spent gaming versus those spent on productive tasks. Acknowledging the imbalance can be eye-opening.

Set Boundaries

  • Time Limits: Limit gaming to a specific number of hours per day.
  • Physical Space: Designate a specific location for gaming, separate from spaces for work, study, and sleep.
  • Activity Alternatives: List other fulfilling activities and hobbies when the urge to game strikes.

Seek Professional Help

If the addiction has advanced to a point where it’s causing significant distress or impairment, it may be beneficial to consult a healthcare provider. Therapies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) have effectively treated addiction.

Support Network

A support network of friends and family can be invaluable. Open up about your challenges and seek their support in keeping you accountable.

Parental Control for Young Gamers

Parents should actively monitor their children’s gaming habits, setting rules and utilising parental control features to manage playtime and content.

Game-Free Days

Select one or more days in a week to be completely game-free. Use this time to engage in other activities and help break the cycle of dependency.


Game addiction is a complex issue that requires a multi-faceted approach for effective management. Recognising the signs, setting boundaries, seeking professional help, and leveraging a support network are critical strategies in combating this addiction. A balanced life is indeed achievable with the right tools and mindset.
